The website for Typojanchi 2015 maps the exhibition venues onto a navigable typographic map of the world, showing the connections between the cities where the works were produced and the exhibitions in Seoul. As users pan around the map, they see the exhibitions bubbling up from the city, each of which is a hub in its own network connected to multiple cities around the world.
The international biennale of typography takes place in Seoul, Korea. The 2015 edition, with the theme “typography and the city”, was held in multiple locations throughout the city, including an old train station, a boutique hotel, a school, and many independent bookstores. The biennale featured designers and artists from 21 countries and 33 cities.
Typojanchi 2015 website overview

Black and white balloons on biennale’s opening night
Black and white balloons on biennale’s opening night

A key aspect of the project was the development of a javascript library to manage multilingual typesetting on the web. The library allows for the control of typographic attributes based on language and was packaged. It was shared publicly on a later date, as multilingual.js.
The project was thoroughly documented in LetterSeed 13: Technology and Typography, a journal on typography published by the Korean Society of Typography.
See also

Cover of LetterSeed 13: Technology and Typography
Cover of LetterSeed 13: Technology and Typography

LetterSeed 13: Technology and Typography, interior
LetterSeed 13: Technology and Typography, interior